Friday, February 18, 2011


Back at the PLC! Today I was informed Emily had broken her leg and without health insurance her family had no way to cover the necessary medical procedures and she was forced to drop out. My heart instantly sank. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be in that position. I was placed with a different student named Elyse. She was surprisingly self-motivated and very driven to accomplish a lot in one day. We wrote an essay together for our first activity. Her thoughts were on the right path but she had trouble getting them into words, and words that made sense. Her cohesion with her sentences was rough but I could tell she was really trying and giving it all she could. Often I caught her writing as she would say something using incorrect word choices and grammar. She was very care free and light hearted though and continued on throughout the entire period. We also worked on skills practices and through difficult reading passages, quizzes, and activities. She never once stopped for a break or complained about the amount of work. At the end of the period, she had doubled her progress from the beginning of the day and was genuinely proud of herself. At the end she asked if I would be returning and when because she found my help very useful. She said that I drove her on when she would have stopped. I felt honored to say that the least to hear first hand the difference I am making.
Unfortunately with all of the working, I learned nothing about her personal situation or reasoning behind her placement at the PLC. From what I could tell, she was a very driven intelligent girl. Yes, she seemed far behind from where she should be at her age but I think she would be just as successful in a public high school. A very productive day in the English room!

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