Monday, May 2, 2011

My Future Classroom! Scary thought!

Working at the PLC and learning through the book discussions has given me many ideas about how I would like to run my own classroom one day. I learned what to do and what not to do. I want to be able to give fair opportunities without regard to economic situations at home and I want to be able to really pull in students to the beauty of reading. I want to show students "the light" so to speak that reading and literacy can provide if given the opportunity. I will do this through relating material to the students and bringing in the media, technology, and pop culture. With technology such a big influence already in schools, I can only imagine the growth it will see between now and when I am actually the head of a classroom. It saddens me to see that students are reading less and less when I find such joy and contentment in books. If in any way I can improve literacy levels and help students read more, I will do all that is in my power to do so. I think that the PLC and the book clubs have taught me the importance of reading as well as the importance of doing all within your power to help your students succeed. The book clubs related numerous cases of unfit teachers and failing students that I hope to be able to eliminate. They were very helpful at alerting me to current issues within the school system and problems that I may face alone one day. With the knowledge from my time at the PLC and from the discussions, I feel much more ready to step in front of others and teach. The variety of topics in the discussions helped me feel more at ease that whatever problem that arises, no matter its nature, I can handle and overcome.

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